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Hello, I'm Gabby.


Raven "Gabby" Newbern


Birth Doula

Greetings mums to be! My name is Gabby and it is my deepest pleasure to serve you! Being a doula is my life’s purpose and it brings great satisfaction to be able to pour into you. Becoming a doula was very personal and dear to my heart, due to my own personal experiences during childbirth. I lacked the knowledge of resources that were available for me, I was out of tune with my own body and I didn’t know what rights I had. Not knowing so much hindered me in speaking up on what I felt was right for myself, my baby, and my birthing experiences. My birthing experiences are what lead me to being the type of doula that I am today. I take great pride in what I do and serving future clients. 


I have two beautiful boys that keep me on my feet and ready for new adventures everyday. During my personal time I find a huge amount of peace when I’m meditating, in nature , reading, journaling, listening to music or podcasts and growing my beautiful plants. Aside from my “me time”, I pour into my women’s support group where we work towards cultivating mindful living, spirituality, and doing inner healing work. 


I’m a believer, I’m a doer, I’m an innovator, I’m passionate about my craft, and a strong advocate for all women having beautiful and safe birthing experiences. Let this beautiful transformation be all that you deserve it to be and let's walk through it together!  

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