Nurturing Closet

Do you have a client or family that you’re working with that could benefit by visiting our Nurturing Closet? If you’d like to get them signed up for services please read and accept the terms below to access our referral form and instructions.
By downloading, you certify that you represent a qualifying agency such as a food pantry, school, church, social service agency or other human services agency.
Please open the form in Adobe Reader to use the Email and Print buttons at the bottom of the form.
The completed form can be emailed to or given to the client to bring on his or her first shopping trip. Once we have the referral, the client is eligible to shop with us once a month or based on availability. The client will need to present a photo ID prior to shopping.
Please call our office at 901-504-4364 to schedule your appointment or drop off.
If interested in hosting a diaper drive on behalf of us, please visit here.

The NNBS Nurturing Closet opened as a resource to provide low-income families with clothing, hygiene, baby and other items to support the lively hood of families in the Memphis community.
We receive donations from community members and individuals to continuously supply our Nurturing Closet. Organized and fully run by NNBS staff and volunteers, we hope to be able to maintain this resource for families in need.